AQA AS Business Studies - Unit 4: Operations
Revision sheet to tackle some topics in the unit including: labout productivity, inventory control, capacity utilisation, unit costs, lean production.
Based on BTEC Enterprise L2 or GCSE Edexcel but can be changed for whatever exam-board. Three quick cash flow questions followed by a case-study on the Coronavirus impacting small businesses cash flow.
A flip learning resource, which enables students to watch 4 videos based on a firm becoming a PLC via an IPO, what can impact the share price and how it links to market cap. Questions are attached for students to consider when watching the videos.
Designed for mixed ability class, lower ability can start from the Green task, easing them in to completing a full cash flow. Some higher ability students can start from amber and move to red.
The task is for students to rehearse cash flow and the calculations needed.